Oct 22, 2018

Fishing makes these kids happy

Virtually all public libraries have Consumer Reports magazine with specific product recommendation. At many libraries you can use your library card number to sign in for Consumer Reports on line. Give your library a call and find out about Consumer Reports on line.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States - what can you do to help protect them

Consumer Reports

Homebuying Mistakes People Make At Every Age


What happens to that Kenmore warranty with Sears in bankruptcy court


How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Consumer Reports

"Don't let the dreaded "out of storage" message stop you from taking new pictures or downloading another app to your phone. Use these tips to clear out the clutter and free up some much-needed space

Consumer Reports

How to Get Rid of Ants

 Consumer Reports

How to donate wisely and avoid charity scams

 Consumer Information

My advice: When in doubt, don't give. Do not let yourself be pressured to donate by a cashier asking you to give in front of other customers. 

How to Prevent Dryer Fires

How to Prevent Dryer Fires - Consumer Reports: “Dryer fires are responsible for nine deaths, 420 civilian injuries, and $222 million in property damage annually,”

Oct 1, 2018

Hawk-turtle-full moon

Rockabye Baby

How to Use Google Privacy Settings

 Consumer Reports

Samsung and Roku Smart TVs Vulnerable to Hacking - Consumer Reports

 Consumer Reports

Facebook Security Breach Affects 50 Million

 Consumer Reports

Facebook has revealed that hackers have gained access to nearly 50 million user accounts. Our experts tell you how to keep your account safe, protect your privacy and to look out for suspicious activity.

This Chart Shows the Average 401(k) Balance at Every Age


E-Cigarettes and Teens: What Parents Should Know

 Consumer Reports

Texas Is the Best Place to Live In America Right Now. Here's Why


Hearing aids: You ain't heard nothing yet

 CBS News

New Tire Ratings Reveal Top Tires

Consumer Reports

Just Hangup on Robocalls

Consumer Information

If you get a robocall -- Hang up the phone. Don't press 1 to speak to a live operator and don't press any other number to get your number off the list. If you respond by pressing any number, it will probably just lead to more robocalls. Read more